Back in 2013 we launched Transforming Tomorrow, our Sustainable Development Strategy, which identified 142 actions for our business. By the end of 2017, we had either achieved or were on track to achieve over three-quarters of them.

In 2017 we de-merged our development and property maintenance businesses. These have since been re-branded EcoWorld London and Fortem respectively, and they are now developing their own strategies.

Therefore, during 2017, we worked with people across the business to review and update our Strategy, so that it reflected our progress, changes within the business and continued to help drive our performance.

This section of the Review focuses on our performance against our Strategy targets, ambitions and actions. Click on the sections below to find out more:

As a leader in sustainable development we have robust systems and processes in place. This section provides signposts to the structures which support our sustainability endeavours.