Homewood Grove
State-of-the-art new retirement living community for the over 60s
new homes
Contract value
Delivering seven three-bed, nine two-bed and three one-bed units for the people of Islington.
A new residential building was constructed on the Wedmore Estate, consisting of apartments and dwellings for 19 new homes. The building ranges in height from two to six storeys.
The estate previously existed of four blocks, constructed in red brick, of 162 flats. The new additional residential building includes seven three-bed, nine two-bed and three one-bed units, accessible either directly from the street or via a single circulation core containing a lift. 10% of the new homes are designed to be appropriate for wheelchair use.
This scheme is also delivered extensive new landscaped gardens, children's play areas and a community store for garden furniture and equipment. Each new home is provided with one bicycle parking space per bedroom (42 in total), in addition to new bicycle stores provided elsewhere on the estate.
Willmott Dixon House, 80 Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Herts
Tel: 01462 442200
Fax: 01462 442204
Wedmore Street, Islington, London, N19 4RB