Sustainable Procurement
Our Sustainable Procurement Policy Statement sets out our company’s aims and objectives when it comes to procuring goods, works and services.
Sustainable Procurement Policy Statement
The Policy is based on our values and communicates to our people, designers, manufacturers, supply chain partners and customers, our approach in a logical, clear and practical way.
Our approach to sustainable procurement is in line with the principles contained within BS 8903.
We expect high environmental standards from all our partners and provide support and guidance to enable them to improve their approach to sustainability.
Responsible sourcing
We follow recognised responsible sourcing standards for procurement of products, for example, requiring Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification or equivalent for all projects using timber and BES 6001 certified concrete.
We also require our supply chain to tell us where materials have come from and to ensure they and their suppliers meet the requirements of our Modern Slavery Policy. This is so we know that the materials we use have not been produced through the exploitation of people or the environment.
Global warming potential (GWP)
To reduce the contribution we make to climate change, we require our suppliers to specify and use substances, (including refrigerants and insulants) with a GWP of less than five.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
We are seeking to minimise the impact of materials containing toxic VOCs sourced by Willmott Dixon directly and through its supply chain. For example, wherever technically feasible we use water-based finishes.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
We consider alternatives to PVC with relation to environmental, economic and social impacts. Where PVC is required we will ensure that it is responsibly manufactured and disposed of.
We engage with manufacturers, suppliers and contractors to jointly develop strategies to reduce packaging on our projects.
Renewable and non-renewable materials
Renewable resources are those which come directly from the natural environment and which can be replenished. Timber is probably the most consumed natural material we use, and to ensure that this is sustainably grown and sourced, we only use timber and timber products which are certified as such by either FSC or PEFC.
A non-renewable resource is a natural resource which cannot be reproduced, grown, generated, or used on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate, for example, minerals and metals. We use these responsibly and wherever we can we ensure they can be recycled. We also encourage the use of non-renewable recycled resources.